University of Nairobi, pre-service AMS training
The Department of Pharmacy, University of Nairobi in collaboration with the MSH MTaps program conducted a 2-day training on antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS). The training was done on two consecutive Saturdays on the 29th January and the 5th February, 2022. The target trainees were the senior Bpharm students from the final year BPharm V and Bpharm IV class. The aim of the training was to impart knowledge, skills and attitudes on the preservice students to prepare them for participation in AMS activities upon graduation and release into the field.
The training was opened by Dr Shital Maru, the Chairman of the Department of Pharmacy accompanied by Dr Margaret Oluka, Chairman, AMS Committee, the MTAPS Team led by Dr Kusu and Dr wasengula, AMS Focal person, Ministry of Health (MOH), Kenya.
The training was delivered by experts in AMS drawn from school of Pharmacy, MTAPs program, MOH, Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH) and Aga khan University Hospital. Over 100 Students were trained and certified.
VENUE: Lecture Theatre III, School of Medicine
DATE: 29th January and 5th February, 2022
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