NUPSA Unraveling the Mystery of PrEP

Picture a lively gathering filled with vibrant energy, pulsating music, and an atmosphere of excitement. This was the
scene at the University of Nairobi Sports Complex on the 24th of February 2023 when MyDawa hosted a Fun Day that
not only captivated the youth but also disseminated crucial public health information. With engaging games, enticing
prizes, and live performances by popular DJs, the event drew the attention of young attendees. However, at its core, the
goal was to educate and empower the youth about pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) drugs for HIV/AIDS while
providing free screening, medication, and consultations.
PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) involves the use of antiretroviral medication by HIV-negative individuals to reduce
their risk of acquiring the virus. NUPSA worked towards striving to impart knowledge and empower the youth to make
informed decisions regarding their sexual health. By introducing them to PrEP, its correct usage and potential benefits,
the event addressed an essential aspect of HIV prevention. Many attendees were hearing about these drugs for the first
time, and the event provided a platform to learn about them. The staggering statistics regarding adolescent HIV cases in
Kenya serve as a sobering reminder of the urgency to raise awareness and promote health-conscious behaviours.
Public medication education serves as a beacon of hope, illuminating a path towards a healthier future for the youth.
Let us join hands and continue championing public health initiatives that empower and educate young individuals
across the nation.