Nairobi University Pharmacy Students Association (N.U.P.S.A)

Is a professional body by the students and for the students of the University of Nairobi, school of pharmacy that serves to spearhead the interests of its members. The organization is tasked with ensuring that student-life becomes easier for all pharmacy students. We as an organization fulfill this mandate in various ways:

The professional body works closely with the administration and the university management to ensure that issues and challenges that students face in their time in school are smoothed over, handled accordingly and in good time. Additionally NUPSA makes proposals to the administration that they think will serve to give students the best quality of education possible and also ensures that relevant information from the administration gets to the students in good time.

NUPSA organizes professional development events e.g. webinars such as the role of a pharmacist in cancer management, in an attempt to supplement the curriculum by bringing fundamental aspects of practice to the students and giving them a scope of the current working field for pharmacists. This also facilitates networking that is vital even after completion of school.

Through extracurricular activities such as team building exercises, a football league, chess tournaments and an annual fun day, NUPSA strives to relieve stress and pressure associated with education. In addition to this, the mentorship program organized by NUPSA has led to strong ties among the students. All this goes a long way in improving the mental health of students by creating a more social learning environment.


Is a professional body by the students and for the students of the University of Nairobi, school of pharmacy that serves to spearhead the interests of its members. The organization is tasked with ensuring that student-life becomes easier for all pharmacy students. We as an organization fulfill this mandate in various ways