Latest News & Announcements

NUPSA Unraveling the Mystery of PrEP

Picture a lively gathering filled with vibrant energy, pulsating music, and an atmosphere of excitement. This was the
scene at the University of Nairobi Sports Complex on the 24th of February 2023 when MyDawa hosted a Fun Day that
not only captivated the youth but also disseminated crucial public health information. With engaging games, enticing
prizes, and live performances by popular DJs, the event drew the attention of young attendees. However, at its core, the

NUPSA Football League

March 2023 marked the beginning of an epic sporting extravaganza, the NUPSA League, which has been captivating
participants and fans alike. The NUPSA League roared to life with a remarkable football season that set the stage for an
unforgettable showdown. Each match was a thrilling exhibition of pure passion and sportsmanship, with teams
displaying their finesse and strategic prowess on the field.
After months of exhilarating matches, the football season concluded in May 2023, leaving us with a victorious team.

UoN Ranked Among World's Top 2000 Universities

The University of Nairobi (UoN) has once again firmly established its position as a leading institution in the global academic landscape by emerging among the worlds top 2000 Universities in the latest rankings released on 16th May 2023, by the Centre for World University Rankings (CWUR). UoN's impressive performance in the 2023 edition of the Global 2000 list is noteworthy, securing a commendable ranking of 1,425th.

Student Recognition awards

On Friday, May 5, 2023, the University of Nairobi held a student recognition award ceremony to honor over 700 students who have performed exemplary in various categories. 

Twelve (12) Students from the Department of Pharmacy received various awards are:

  1. Ndinya Carolin Akinyi - 

    Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Prize.

    Omaera Pharmaceuticals Prize.

International Brain Organization Research (IBRO) Symposium

Dr Margaret Oluka was invited as a Facilitator at the International Brain Organization Research (IBRO) Symposium held  at the Institute of Primate Research ( IPR)  In Karen from Oct 30th to 4th Nov, 2022.

Also attending the Symposium from SOP was PhD student in Molecular Pharmacology Benedict Akoo and Bpharm V student Michelle Mayuba.

The theme of the Symposium was: IBRO- ARC Advanced School on Parkinsin's disease: Providing clarity for continuous Teaching and Research from an African Perspective.

NUPSA First Year Orientation and White Coat Ceremony

On Friday October 21, 2022, Nairobi University Pharmacy Students Association (NUPSA) successfully held its inaugural white coat ceremony for Level 1 Bachelor of Pharmacy students as part of the traditional orientation and induction event at Lecture Theatre 3 - Faculty of Health Sciences. The event was attended by students, members of the teaching and support staff, administrators, faculty leadership and other invited guests from the medical/pharmaceutical field.